Watch The Ride of My Life Podcast – Update – Drive From Colorado Springs – Oklahoma City

It was a bittersweet time leaving Colorado Springs. I met some beautiful people and made what feels like life long friendships. I am grateful for the almost 11 weeks I spent there.

It was a time for personal healing on my Inner Peace Pilgrimage and supporting others in their healing and I am in awe at the relationships I have discovered. I also discovered what is coming next for me which I had been having a difficult time with clarifying that.

Going through Developmental and Generational Trauma in my life put me in a place of protection for years. As I came across these beautiful people, I discovered I no longer need to be afraid of relationship anymore. This work is so incredibly powerful and continues as I continue my journey.


Come join me in a healing partnership…

Redox Signaling Molecules by ASEA

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